As I play around with it, right now I'm leaning toward some variation on a lap-with-branch configuration.
Here's the latest version, including a simplified version of the Gumstump & Snowshoe-inspired shelf layout at the end of the Staffer branch (the yellow rectangle). I've routed the branch to the left, around the inside of the left-hand loop, to get enough altitude. The mainline is pretty flat, with just a half inch or so of elevation on the back side to provide a little separation from Lockwood Yard. The branch climbs a three percent grade to cross over the main, then continues on a modest grade to Stauffer.
For posterity, here are a few AnyRail "sketches"on of earlier versions:
There is a door at the lower right; the gray rectangle is an existing book case. I wanted to make sure there was enough clearance to get to the door. With this one, the branch comes off the "wrong" end of the yard -- a train made up in Lockwood yard would have to back out of the yard to the left before taking the branch. Or, I could say that branchline trains need to circle the lap before proceeding up the branch, giving those trains a much longer run.
In this version, I've had the branch come off the mainline, so that branchline jobs would exit the yard to the north (left), run 15 or 20 feet on the mainline, then take the branch near the upper right hand corner of the layout. Shorter branch, but maybe makes more sense operationally.
First effort at a more detailed design for the Lockwood yard. Spur tracks in the Town of Lockwood area would serve local industries. There's another industry track at the right (south) end of the yard. The track at the lower left is a switching lead and engine storage pocket. I might try to fit a turntable in somewhere. [Edit: The yard arrangement will need to be changed a fair amount to fit the latest revision of the overall plan.)
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