I carved a retaining wall from a scrap of EPS foam. Quick and easy. It's painted with cheap craft store acrylic paint. Here are a couple of photos. I'm using sand, harvested along the North Fork of Lockwood Creek, as my base ground cover. It looks fine to my eyes, but in photos appears much too coarse, like gravel. On my next build I plan to try sanded grout. The set of miners I bought includes this guy pushing an ore cart, which I finally painted and installed on top of the ore bin. At the other end, I poured Woodland Scenics Realistic Water so the prospectors could pan for gold. It's actually too clear; if I use it again in the future I'll add some of their Murky Water tint. Might even get some Murky Water and pour another layer over the top here. Next up, I just ordered a Banta Miner's Shack, which will sit just to the left of the ore bin. Also need to make up some pine trees from the Woodland Scenics kit I bought a while back. At that point, the On30 diorama wil...
Chronicling my ongoing efforts to model the short-lived (and short) Bakersfield & Ventura Railroad and the associated (and wholly fictional) Lockwood & San Emigdio narrow gauge, as they might have been -- if history had gone just a little bit differently.